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U.S. Representative Cheri Bustos Tours Crawford Company/Monoxivent

May 5, 2016

U.S. Representative Cheri Bustos toured Monoxivent's production floor during her visit Thursday, May 5th. Bustos made the visit to learn more about Monoxivent’s manufacturing capabilities and opportunity for export. 

"Rep. Bustos has sponsored the Boosting American's Exports Act, which she said would identify and assist small businesses that have the potential to sell products in new markets. The bill could lead to more staff at export assistance centers, including those in Rockford and Peoria, to conduct outreach to firms interested in exporting." - Dispatch Argus

Monoxivent exports product to Canada and Central America. The company is looking to expand its exporting business. The Boosting America's Export (BAE) Act will connect companies like Monoxivent with the resources to make that happen.
