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Crawford's Faro Scan Arm

The FARO Edge ScanArm® HD is the ideal tool for inspection, point cloud-to-CAD comparison, rapid prototyping, reverse engineering, and 3D modeling. The FARO Edge ScanArm® HD delivers rapid point cloud collection with extreme resolution and high accuracy. 

The extra wide scan stripe and fast frame rate boosts productivity by increasing coverage and reducing scanning time. Intricate components can be captured in fine detail as a result of the 2,000 actual points per scan line and the new blue laser featuring noise reduction technology. 

Accuracy-  ±25μm (±.001in)

Scan rate- 280 frames/second, 280fps x 2,000 points/line = 560,000 points/sec


Ruhl & Ruhl Property Management wants to thank everyone at Crawford Company. You are always kind, gracious and quick to respond. It is greatly appreciated.

Lori Shafer Property Management