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Crawford Company is committed to continually training its' work force and sales team. Our 1000-sq. ft. Training Center was completed in 2013. The room has a capacity of 35 and features the latest technology, including top of the line audio/visual equipment and web streaming capabilities.


I appreciate your expertise discussing my air conditioning project and our little doodles on paper for the finer points and needs. I enjoyed the personal attention to detail. I was impressed with the efficiency and professionalism of engineering, organizing, timing and installation. I'm so glad that we still have union contractors that know how to do things right. As you know I have worked 37 years thru the IBEW # 145. On larger projects we would be assigned a "tool buddy" to work in the same area and help each other when needed. The reason I mention this is because Jeff O'Leary is the kind of journeyman I would choose to work with. He is polite, calm, well-spoken and knowledgeable. Of course an HVAC system is not a kit. It is a custom installation. Jeff made it easy to discuss the finer points and the installation as needed. I enjoyed the experience and I am very pleased with the outcome. The air is fresh and clean and easy to breath.

Darryl Stebel