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Crawford Company & Trimble

Trimble software and equipment are used by our design and field teams to layout hanger and core drill locations prior to installation, saving time and money while improving layout accuracy. Trimble VISION™ provides the ability to direct layout with live video images on the Trimble Field Tablet, maximizing your command of the job. Visual verification provides an accurate documentation of the design and field image that is displayed within the Trimble Field Link software, job data including points and linework are overlaid on the camera image.

Key Features: 

  • A Smarter Pointer with bright green, autofocusing laser and auto-correction for uneven surfaces 
  • Trimble VISION video-assisted robotic measurement
  • Visual verification with data overlay and photo documentation
  • MagDrive technology for maximum speed and efficiency 
  • MultiTrack technology offers the choice between passive and active tracking


Our system is quieter and gets the heat and/or cooling more evenly distributed through the house. We have been very pleased with it.

Randy S.